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Otleechna Russian Imperial Stout Extract Kit


“Otleechna” is the Russian word for “the best,” and that is exactly what this beer is. Otleechna Russian Imperial Stout is heavy, robust, and will knock your socks off. Brewed with almost 10 lbs. of malt extract, this heavy beer will age for years, although it will be able to drink in as little as 6 weeks. The dark malts compete nicely with the tangy, sweet flavors of the crystal malt and licorice.

Now featuring a time-saving 30-minute boil!

Approximate Calculations:    OG: 1.077    FG: 1.021     ABV: 7.7%     IBU: 67     SRM: 34

This kit comes with liquid yeast. Choose which kind of yeast you'd like to use from the list above. Because this beer has a high starting gravity, we recommend either making a yeast starter or purchasing a second pack of yeast. We prefer either of the liquid yeast strains. The dry yeast (S-04) will be more resilient through the shipping process, although we do include cold packs during warm months with our liquid yeast to help ensure freshness.

Olteechna Russian Imperial Stout Extract Recipe Sheet