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Campagne D'automne Oud Bruin/Flanders Brown Ale - Extract Kit


As Summer comes to an end, our thoughts change to cooler temperatures, changing leaves, and different beer styles. The Oud Bruin, or Flanders Brown Ale, is a sour brown ale that is known for its oakey, malty, and sour qualities. The all-grain Campagne D’automne is full of those flavors and adds sweet cherry puree to create a unique puckering experience. À votre santé! Now featuring a time-saving 30-minute boil!

Calculated Appx.    O.G.: 1.053 F.G.: 1.011     ABV: 5.6%      IBU:12 SRM: 21

Campagne D'automne Oud Bruin/Flanders Brown Ale Extract Homebrew Recipe

We ship items containing liquid yeast at the beginning of the week and include a cold pack during warm months to ensure freshness.