HBC 472 Pellet Hops 1 OZ (US)
HBC 472 was bred and developed through the Hop Breeding Company (HBC) in the Yakima Valley, Washington and is the result of the open pollination of a wild American hop known as the subspecies neomexicanus.
The uniqueness of the flavor characteristics HBC 472 gives to beer has generated a great deal of interest in this cultivar among brewers. This special hop is truly one of a kind with considerable potential.
The aroma of the HBC 472 hop cones consists of floral, woody, earthy, and coconut. In beer, this hop delivers a surprising fruity note along with its distinctive "472 coconut-woody character."
When hopped aggressively in IPA style beers, citrus and grapefruit aromas rule, but a fascinating whiskey/bourbon and coconut character breaks into the background, especially evident in darker, malt-forward beers.
The robust character of this hop lends well to full flavor beer styles such as pale ales, IPAs, porters, stouts, and barrel-aged beers.
Alpha Acids: 9% to 11%
This is a 1 ounce package of HBC 472 hop pellets.
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