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Munich 20L Malt 1 oz (US - Briess)


US Munich 20L malt, sometimes referred to as Dark Munich or Munich II, imparts an intense malt flavor and aroma along with amber hues. Use more sparingly than the Munich 10L malt. A great choice to enhance the malt bill of any beer, especially Bocks and Dunkels.

20 Lovibond

This US Munich 20L is sold in 1 oz increments. We also sell 50 lb US Munich 20L malt sacks.

In case you aren't used to measuring out your grain bill strictly in ounces, here's a cheat sheet to help you calculate how much grain you'll need.

1/4 lb = 4 oz
1/2 lb = 8 oz
1 lb = 16 oz
2 lb = 32 oz
3 lb = 48 oz
4 lb = 64 oz
5 lb = 80 oz
6 lb = 96 oz

7 lb = 112 oz
8 lb = 128 oz
9 lb = 144 oz
10 lb = 160 oz
11 lb = 176 oz
12 lb = 192 oz
15 lb = 240 oz
20 lb = 320 oz

Also, if you do a lot of all-grain brewing, check out our grain card. $80 for 50 pounds of grain, what a deal!