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Hammerhead Porter Extract Kit


Hammerhead Porter is a very dark brown beer with a coffee colored head. The flavor retains some sweetness and has a delicious finish of roasted malt. It is full of maltiness and has the powerful combination of rich, deep flavor and roast grains.

This is one of our oldest, most popular kits! Now featuring a time-saving 30-minute boil!

Calculated Appx.:    O.G.: 1.075      F.G.: 1.020        ABV: 7.2%        IBU: 39       SRM: 37

This kit comes with yeast, use the pick list to select which you'd like. We recommend using the Wyeast 1028. The dry yeast (S-04) will be more resilient through the shipping process, although we do include cold packs during warm months with our liquid yeast to help ensure freshness.

Hammerhead Porter Homebrew Recipe Sheet