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Wyeast 2565 Kolsch


Wyeast 2565 Kolsch is a classic, true top cropping yeast strain from a traditional brewery in Cologne, Germany. Beers will exhibit some of the fruity character of an ale, with a clean lager like profile. It produces low or no detectable levels of diacetyl. This yeast may also be used to produce quick-conditioning pseudo-lager beers and ferments well at cold 55-60°F (13-16°C) range. This powdery strain results in yeast that remain in suspension post fermentation. It requires filtration or additional settling time to produce bright beers.

Flocculation: low
Attenuation: 73-77%
Temperature Range: 56-70° F (13-21° C)
Alcohol Tolerance: approximately 10% ABV

Note: We send out our yeast on Mondays and in warm weather include a cold pack for protection.

Check out more information on Wyeast Laboratories.