William Wallace Wee Heavy Scotch Ale Extract Kit
William Wallace (AKA Braveheart) became a leader during The Wars of Scottish Independence. Their pursuit of freedom was anything but simple, therefore not an option for this beer. This multidimensional wee heavy is blessed with seven specialty malts giving it a complex, rich, viscosity. A high starting gravity offers a tranquil alcoholic warmth which is quite welcome since it balances the malty sweetness. Ferment at cooler temperatures for clean, intense caramel goodness. Sláinte!
Now featuring a time-saving 30-minute boil!
Select which type of yeast you'd like to brew with from the choices above. Due to the high gravity of this beer, it's not a bad idea to make a yeast starter or purchase a second yeast pack.
William Wallace Wee Heavy Scotch Ale Recipe Sheet
Here's the skinny on this fat beer:
O.G.: 1.070 F.G.: 1.020 ABV: 6.6% IBU: 20 SRM: 15
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