Hop Rhizome - Sterling
$6.99 $7.99
Sterling is an American "noble-type" hop showcasing a floral, spicy, and slight citrus aroma. Used for any number of pale ales, lagers, and wheat beers.
Alpha Acid: ~4.5
A Saaz hybrid released in 1998 that displays similar noble aroma and oil composition to the Czech variety, good yield and moderately resistant to Downy Mildew, generally considered a favorable Saaz replacement. Mid-season maturity.
We also sell Sterling Hops, in both pellet and leaf forms and in ounce and pound bags. Even hops grown in Wisconsin!
We should receive these rhizomes in March.
If you purchase 6 rhizomes total, we will adjust the price and give you a refund when we process the order.
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