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Mitchell Vineyard U-Pick Grape Harvest

The Mitchell Vineyard is a beautiful, six acre u-pick vineyard owned and operated with care by David Mitchell, who started and owned the Wine and Hop Shop until 2012. He painstakingly grows and cares for 11+ varieties of grapes that are great for eating, making jam, and, most importantly, making wine. The Mitchell Vineyard is located just outside of Oregon, WI, at
     4252 Sunny Ridge Road
     Oregon, WI  53575
Below is a table of the different grapes that will be available, what type of grape they are, when they will be ripe to pick, and how the harvest is looking. Below is a description of each grape. For more information visit the Mitchell Vineyard website.

Grape Harvest Information 2017

Grape Variety Type of Grape Estimated Picking Start Date Sugar/Brix Grape Crop Prognosis
Concord Purple - Jam, Eating, Wine Picking now 16 Getting low
Foch Red - Wine Picking now 21-22 Almost gone
Frontenac Red - Wine, Port Picking now Almost gone
Marquette Red - Wine Done Gone
St. Croix Red - Wine Done Gone
LaCrescent White - Wine, Aromatic Picking now Almost gone
Prairie Star White - Wine, Full-Bodied Done Gone
St. Pepin White - Wine Done Gone
Delaware Pink - Wine, Sparkling, Eating Done Gone
Somerset Table Grape, Eating Done Gone
Aromella (Muscat) White - Wine Now Almost gone
Petit Pearl Red - Wine Now 16 Small

2017 Prices per pound

Grape Variety 0-30 lb 31-100 lb 100-300 lb 300-1000 lb 1000+ lb
Concord 1.50 1.20 1.15 .90 .85
Foch .99 .97 .95 .90 .85
Frontenac .98 .95 .92 .90 n/a
Marquette 1.00 .97 .95 .90 n/a
St. Croix .98 .95 .93 .90 n/a
La Crescent .98 .92 .89 .86 n/a
Prairie Star 1.25 .94 .89 n/a n/a
St. Pepin 1.05 1.00 .95 n/a n/a
Delaware 1.40 1.00 .95 .92 .85
Somerset 1.50 1.25 1.00 .90 n/a
Aromella (Muscat) 1.30 1.20 n/a n/a n/a
Petit Pearl 1.00 .95 n/a n/a n/a