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All-Grain Haughty Scoundrel Kit


This is definitely one of the most audacious of our brews. Mix a citrus/pine character with rich malty goodness, and what do you have? A damn fine beer. Inspired by a brewery in San Diego, this brew is loaded with Nugget and Chinook hops and leaves you with a conundrum: Have too few of this tasty, coppery nugget, you’ll be pining for more, but have too many and you may turn into this kit’s namesake!!!

Calculated Appx.    O.G.: 1.068 F.G.: 1.018     ABV: 7%      IBU:65 SRM: 15

This all-grain ale kit comes with yeast, select which you'd like to use using the selection list above. While using liquid yeast is usually recommended, if you are looking for something a little more inexpensive, if it is a gift, or if it is being shipped, the S-04 dry yeast works quite well for this kit. The dry yeast (S-04) will be more resilient through the shipping process, although we do include cold packs during warm months with our liquid yeast to help ensure freshness. 

Haughty Scoundrel All Grain Kit Recipe Sheet

We ship out items with liquid yeast at the beginning of the week and include a cold pack during warm months to ensure freshness.